LectureClass LaTeX Class Documentation

The lectureClass is a custom LaTeX class designed for creating visually appealing and well-structured lecture slides using the beamer class. This document provides an overview of its features, customization options, and usage instructions.

1. Class Overview

Base Class

  • Base Class: The lectureClass inherits from the beamer class.
  • Default Options:
    • aspectratio=169
    • usepdftitle=false
    • handout

2. Class Options

Marketing Mode

The class includes a marketing option for targeting external audiences.

  • Option: marketing
  • Purpose: Includes or excludes logos and content based on the audience.
  • Implementation:

3. Document Style Settings

Themes and Colors

  • Beamer Theme: Madrid
  • Color Theme: dove
  • Font Theme: professionalfonts

Table of Contents Automation

  • A table of contents is automatically displayed at the beginning of each section and subsection (after the first subsection).
      \begin{frame}{Table of contents}
      \ifnum\value{subsection} > 1
        \begin{frame}{Table of contents}

Customization of Itemization

  • Itemize: triangle icons
  • Enumerate: Custom vertical spacing before and after
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[triangle]
    \setbeamercolor{item}{fg = uniblue}
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\vspace{0.5em}}
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body end}{\vspace{0.5em}}

4. Logo and Author Information

Dynamic Logos

Logos are adjusted based on the marketing option.

  • With Marketing:
  • Without Marketing:

5. Package Dependencies

The class requires the following LaTeX packages:

  • algorithm2e
  • amsmath, amsfonts
  • array, booktabs, caption
  • circuitikz
  • glossaries-extra
  • hyperref, hyperxmp
  • inputenc
  • pgfplots
  • tikz, tikzpeople

Conditional Packages

  • With marketing: Glossaries are loaded without automake.
    \RequirePackage[toc = false]{glossaries-extra}
  • Without marketing: Glossaries are loaded with automake.
    \RequirePackage[automake, toc = false]{glossaries-extra}

6. Visual Customizations


The class defines several custom colors:

  • Primary Colors:
  • Signal Colors:
    \definecolor{signalred}{rgb}{0.9047, 0.1918, 0.1988}
    \definecolor{signalblue}{rgb}{0.2941, 0.5447, 0.7494}

Custom footer layout:


7. SI Unit Setup

The class configures siunitx:

  • Fraction Style:
      input-digits = 0123456789\pi,
      inter-unit-product = {}

8. Hyperref Settings

The class predefines metadata and hyperlink settings:

  pdfcopyright={Creative Commons BY 4.0},
  pdfauthor={Oliver Wallscheid},
  pdftitle={Lecture slides}

9. Blocks and Theorems

Custom Blocks

The class defines blocks with centered content and adjustable width:

\newenvironment<>{varblock}[2][.9\textwidth]{ ... }

Example with Custom Blocks:

Show how to use specific environments like varblock or algo.

  \frametitle{Custom Block Example}
  \begin{varblock}{Example Block Title}
    This is a custom block defined using `tcolorbox`.

  \frametitle{Algorithm Example}
    Input: $x$, Output: $y$  \\
    Step 1: Do something. \\
    Step 2: Do something else.


The class integrates tcolorbox for definitions and theorems:

\newtcbtheorem[number within=part, reset counter on overlays=true]{defi}{Definition}{ ... }{defi}

10. TikZ and Circuitikz

The class enables advanced visualizations using TikZ and Circuitikz:

  • Included Libraries: arrows, shapes, calc, pgfplots
  • Custom Settings:

11. Additional Commands



Footnotes Without Numbering

\newcommand\blfootnote[1]{ ... }

12. Custom Table Columns

The class includes centered column types for tables:


** Practical Examples**

Minimal Working Example (MWE):

Provide users with a simple starting point to understand how to use the class.

\title{Sample Lecture}
\author{John Doe}


  Hello, World!

** Explanation of Class-Specific Commands**

Include brief descriptions of custom macros and commands defined in the class file.

Command Description
\blfootnote{} Inserts an unnumbered footnote.
\hl{text} Highlights text in red.
\cmark Inserts a checkmark symbol.
\xmark Inserts a crossmark symbol.
\task{} Creates a numbered task with conditional spacing.
\subtask{} Creates a numbered subtask (e.g., 1.1, 1.2).

** Option-Specific Differences**

Explain the purpose of the marketing option and how it changes the output.

Option Description
marketing Adds marketing slides or modifies slide design.
(default) Standard academic lecture-style slides.

Comparison of marketing Option:

  • Without marketing:
    • Standard Beamer layout.
    • Academic-focused color scheme.
  • With marketing:
    • Sleek design with larger headings.
    • Adjusted color scheme for presentations.

For more details, refer to the source code of the lectureClass file.